&LadyMondegreen news & events
December 9th, 2022 | &LadyMondegreen X Caroline Fabers Sustainable POP UP

September 15th – 18th, 2022 | ManufakTOUR X &LadyMondegreen

DFD FESTIVAL EDITION – Proud and happy to share that &LadyMondegreen is amongst a handful of labels mentioned on duesseldorf.de (“aktuelles”) today!
Go check it out here:
Click the following link for the DFD events (and scroll all the way down to &LadyMondegreen, to see the time slots for the pop up dance performances):

announcement: July, 2022 | DÜSSELDORF FASHION DAYS FESTIVAL EDITION X &LadyMondegreen
Stay tuned for a day filled with cool events around Düsseldorf’s fashion community.
Come and see some of &LadyMondegreen‘s highlights on dancers performing on July 23, 2022, between 3 and 7pm, around Corneliusbrunnen (where Hofgarten/Breuninger & Königsallee meet) – showing Düsseldorf that fast fashion is yesterday’s outfit – today we wear upcycled and preloved pieces!

December, 2021 | LORETTO NEUN showcase
The “Loretto Neun Viertel” is a popular and busy neighborhood – interest and curiosity for sustainable projects is nothing unusual. So I am pleased to announce that &LadyMondegreen gets a solo window installation at LORETTO NEUN before Christmas and into the New Year! Go check out the window to see highlights of my upcycled collection at Lorettostraße 9, Düsseldorf

Some of &LadyMondegreen’s key pieces are featured in the cowering space LORETTO NEUN window (Lorettostraße 9, Düsseldorf), in collaboration with CHANGEROOM and REPAIR REBELS, until late Nov. 2021.

September 11th + 12th, 2021 | GREEN FASHION FAIR in Berlin
&LadyMondegreen will be represented at the brand-new GREEN FASHION FAIR in Berlin, in collaboration with NRNY WARDROBE, a fashion rental platform. We think renting key pieces is the future! You don’t have to own everything! Stay tuned for more rental fashion news from us!
July 24th, 2021 | Recap of the DFD FESTIVAL event at &LadyMondegreen
July, 2021 | DÜSSELDORF FASHION DAYS X &LadyMondegreen
DÜSSELDORF FASHION DAYS invites you to the DFD FESTIVAL on July 24, 2021. A day filled with activities and events by retail shops. At &LadyMondegreen’s atelier is doing a collab for the day with LEVITY PARLOUR (handmade, natural & vegan soaps) and a surprise music act – stay tuned!

June, 2021 | &LadyMondegreen for DAWN DENIM
Check out my finished piece for DAWN DENIM (www.dawndenim.com) “ART ON BROKEN PIECES”!

May, 2021 | &LadyMondegreen for DAWN DENIM
&LadyMondegreen was picked for “ART ON BROKEN PIECES”, an initiative by the sustainable denim brand DAWN DENIM (www.dawndenim.com), to work on finished jeans with tiny flaws, like stains, holes, stitching/weaving flaws that can not be sold as they are. So upcycling artists were asked to create new pieces from these flawed brand-new jeans – without any limitations to the design. Stay tuned for my finished piece which can be auctioned in July.
April 19th – 25th, 2021 | FASHION REVOLUTION WEEK
Talking sustainability: during FASHION REVOLUTION WEEK, I was invited to talk with Dr. Monika Hauck from CHANGEROOM (representing Fashion Revolution in Düsseldorf). She founded the mobile textile and shoe repair business REPAIR REBELS (www.repair-rebels.com). &LadyMondegreen is proudly partnering up with Repair Rebels: restyling and upcycling the most favourite pieces in your wardrobe… locally!
April, 2021 | Appearance on CROWN FIETSEN
&LadyMondegreen upcycled fashion featured on the website and social media of the Dutch bike shop CROWN FIETSEN (www.crownfietsen.nl)
December 21th, 2020 | Launch of &LadyMondegreen CLEANOUT
Announcing &LadyMondegreen CLEANOUT – selling vintage and perfect preloved clothes on my new Instagram account
Go check it out!
December 21th, 2020 | &LadyMondegreen featured in “Lokal[büro]” article
Go check it out! – https://www.lokalbuero.com/2020/10/07/kiwifalter-salon-ueber-nachhaltigkeit/
October 5th – 9th, 2020 | BRUSSELS FASHION WEEK X &LadyMondegreen
&LadyMondegreen goes to BRUSSELS FASHION WEEK!
Stay tuned for the &LadyMondegreen FASHION SHOW and sustainability talk during BXLFW Oct. 5-9, 2020.
October 1st, 2020 | NRW.Europa presents: Fashion Match (&LadyMondegreen appearance)
Watch the finished VIDEO about how &LadyMondegreen creates upcycled fashion here: https://youtu.be/EGZ4LftbYk4?t=274
Or click here for the entire video (feat. Natalie Tönnis at 4:34):
The film will be featured at BRUSSELS FASHION WEEK in October 2020!
September 24th, 2020 | sustainability talk by GRÜNDERMÜTTER
“BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE” – a sustainability talk organized by my German women’s network, GRÜNDERMÜTTER (www.Gruendermuetter.net) on Sept. 24, 2020 at 7pm, at Kiwifalter (www.kiwifalter.de)with Stephanie Maus, Paushali Lass (www.bonabuni.com) and Tove Schänkler (www.sustainabitity-health.de)
September 8th, 2020 | Interview by Zenith GmbH/NRW Europa
Today we had a video shoot with Zenith GmbH/NRW Europa who came to my atelier to interview and film about &LadyMondegreen’s work and Düsseldorf’s fashion community – stay tuned for the finished video.

September 4th – 6th, 2020 | DER SUPERMARKT at Kunstpalast
&LadyMondegreen’s participating at DER SUPERMARKT at Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf – Sept. 4-6, 2020

March 25th, 2020 | Presentation to INTERNATIONAL WOMEN IN BUSINESS
Presented my business to the members of the INTERNATIONAL WOMEN IN BUSINESS Düsseldorf (IWIB DUS) – I needed cheat sheets all around me for my talk about how an old pair of sneakers, a broken umbrella or a flat basketball can be transformed into something new and exciting.

December 8th, 2019 | Article about AUTARKIA GREEN WORLD TOUR X &LadyMondegreen
WZ visited us at AUTARKIA GREEN WORLD TOUR – check out their article:

Read the full article here:
December 7th – 8th, 2019 | AUTARKIA GREEN WORLD TOUR X &LadyMondegreen
On to the next eco trade show: Come and see us at the &LadyMondegreen booth at AUTARKIA GREEN WORLD TOUR
(www.autarkia.info) at Ergo Ipsum, Herzogstraße 89 in Düsseldorf, Dec. 7/8, 2019

November 8th – 10th, 2019 | THE ECO EXPERIENCE Düsseldorf
&LadyMondegreen will be at the first ever sustainable fair in Düsseldorf: THE ECO EXPERIENCE – come and see us at our booth at Ergo Ipsum, Herzogstraße 89 in Düsseldorf, Nov. 8-10, 2019 from 11am-6pm

March 29th, 2019 | SPRING FLING mit Bille Vanille
You are invited to a Spring Fling: explore upcycled goods by &LadyMondegreen and Bille Vanille, on March 29, 2019 at &LadyMondegreen’s Atelier Kaiserswerther Str.404, 40477 Düsseldorf, back courtyard). Bring your friends!